
The Practice takes an active role in screening for and treating hypertension. High blood pressure is usually diagnosed only after several blood pressure checks followed by a 24 hour blood pressure reading. Most patients should aim to keep their blood pressure less than 140/90 or lower if they are diabetic or have kidney disease. We encourage all patients with high blood pressure to take the medications regularly and get their blood pressure checked every 6 months. They should also have their cholesterol, glucose and kidney function checked yearly. As well as taking medication, losing weight, taking regular exercise such as brisk walking and reducing your salt and alcohol intake can help control high blood pressure. Please look after your blood pressure. This will reduce the chances of you having heart disease and strokes in the future. High blood pressure does not usually make you feel unwell and it is rare for it to make you dizzy or have headaches.

For more information about high blood pressure take a look at the leaflet on the Patient UK website.